Monthly Archives: May 2014

Easter in Amsterdam

I spent the long Easter weekend in Amsterdam, a city that I’d heard a lot about (good, bad, and crazy), but not yet managed to visit. My friend Julie was an au pair in Amsterdam last year, so she gave me a list of places to check out/things to do (which was so helpful!) but […]

Prague City Guide

I have been lucky enough to visit Prague twice in 2014 (and once in 2011), and it has become one of my favorite European cities. It’s super accessible to me, only a four hour bus ride from Linz, and has a ton of cool sights, quirky museums, literary history, and gorgeous outdoor spaces. Plus, it’s […]

Six Months in Europe

I flew into London Gatwick exactly six months ago today! Since then I’veĀ  1. learned to ride a moped 2. learned to ride a bicycle 3. gotten tons of infant care experience 4. viel Deutsch gelernt 5. made lots of friends 6. joined an Austrian choir 7. gained a second family and TRAVELED to Austria […]