Tag Archives: au pair austria

Au Pair Life: A Love Letter

I love my job. I will probably never have a job that is this fun, with so few hours and so many perks, ever again in my entire life, and believe me–I appreciate it. Per Austrian law, I work 20 hours a week. For me, that means working Monday through Thursday mornings from 7:30 to […]

Books for Anna Sophie

When I was researching au pair positions, I was surprised to find that my most desirable characteristic isn’t anything I have worked for–my education, my experience with children–but something I have always had: fluency in the English language. All of a sudden, I became aware of the privilege of being a native English speaker, how […]

Wo/Where? (Part 2)

I want to show you the house where I will be living for ten months. When I first applied to be an au pair, I didn’t have a real sense of where I was going. Obviously, I knew it would be somewhere in Austria, but I had no way to picture it. I remember the morning […]